Lost and found pets

What do you think about lost and found pet services? When your dog or cat is lost and your kids are crying their eyes out. So what can you do to help your children and find your lost pet? First, do not panic, there are steps you can take to find your pet.

Quick thinking, along with the help of your neighbors will increase the chances of getting your best friend back to you. The most important thing to do is to notify as many people as you can in as many places as possible.

The most important is to identify your lost pet. It is a must that all of your pets always wear a collar with an ID tag with your name, current phone number, and all relevant contact information.

If your pet is microchipped, remember that microchips are only as good as the information stored on them. If you have moved or changed your contact information, be sure to update the information with your veterinarian.

If your pet is missing, you can take the following steps:

1. Search the area around your home and alert your neighbors

If you notice your pet is missing, ask your family members and nearby neighbors if they have seen it. Try searching your home, but do not forget to look under beds, in closets, in dark and small places, and behind bulky furniture. Try shaking the food bowl, calling your pet's name, or trying to squish his/her favorite toy. This will sometimes lure animals out of hiding. If you are sure your pet is not in your home, take a walk around your neighborhood. Try to bring a recent photo of your pet with you, and try asking your neighbors if they have seen it. Do not just check your own porches or garages, ask neighbors to check theirs as well in case your pet has been accidentally trapped.

2. Start making phone calls

Phone calls are the fastest way to get the word out. You should start by calling the local animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and rescue groups in your area. Chances are, one of them may already have your pet in their care. Do not just check once, try to visit animal shelters daily, and bring photos of your pet with you on these visits to distribute to the shelter staff. If there are no animal shelters near your home, contact the police.

3. Use Social Media networks

Use your social media networks. Send a private message about your lost pet to friends or family members in your area and ask them to share the information. Then, be sure to write a post on your profile and share that post with pages or groups that help find lost pets. Contact the administrators of these sites and ask if they would like to share information about your pet.

4. Create a flyer

Yes, the old-fashioned way: Create a flyer that will stand out and get noticed by people who may have seen your pet. Use your local print shop to reprint the flyer, and use your friends to distribute them on the streets in the area. When designing your flyer, make sure people can read from a distance that it is about a lost or missing cat, with the prize money listed and a clear picture and contact information.

5. Do not give up!

This point is important! Remember that many lost animals have found their way back home because their owners did not give up.